Thai to English NAATI-Certified Translator | We Help Make Certified Translations Fast and Easy

NAATI-certified Thai to English translator

Thai to English

NAATI-certified Thai to English translator

Thai to English


As a NAATI-certified Thai to English Translator and co-founder of AcudocX, Dylan J Hartmann is a forward-thinking professional, with a keen eye for detail. 

With a diverse range of services on offer, utilising AI and machine translation but always signed-off by a human, Dylan brings a wealth of potential, knowledge and experience to every project. 

DJHartmann Translation =
NAATI-certified Thai to English Translator

I’m Dylan J Hartmann (DJHartmann Translation), your reliable and professional language services provider, delivering exceptional quality Thai to English translations. As a NAATI-certified Thai to English translator with over 20 years of experience in the field, I offer high-quality services with a deep understanding of Thai language and culture. My credentials and extensive experience make me the reliable choice for clients seeking professional and certified Thai-English translation services.


For any other language directions, I recommend Immi Translating Service, for cheap and fast NAATI-certified translations.

Specialisations and Qualifications

With a Master of Studies degree from the prestigious Australian National University, BA in Thai Language and Culture from Mae Fah Luang University, and my certification from NAATI, I am well-equipped to handle a wide range of documents.

My specialisations include legal, business, and clinical trial documentation. On that note, I have been the lead translator for several high profile cases, including the Akara (Kingsgate) Mine lawsuit, Pattaya Airport’s Second Runway EHIA, countless prisoner transfer arrangements between Australia and Thailand as part of the International Transfer of Prisoners (ITP) Scheme, as well as millions of words of ethics committee (EC) letters for ongoing clinical trials held in Thailand.

I am also a member of leading industry associations such as the ATA, ALCAALC, and AALITRA, which further attest to my expertise in the field.

In addition to my specialisation in legal, business, and clinical trial documents, I am also experienced in other areas of translation. 

Whether you need marketing materials, technical documents, or any other type of content translated from Thai to English, you can rely on DJHartmann Translation to deliver exceptional results. With a focus on quality, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, I am dedicated to providing the best possible service to all my clients.


My first language is English and having spoken the language all my life, my translations are not only accurate, but also fluent and easy to read, making them suitable for English-speaking audiences. I take great care to ensure that my work matches contemporary discourse and flows smoothly, so that the reader doesn’t even realise that the document is a translation.

Having seen the negative impact that a bad translation from Thai can have, I understand the importance of getting it right. Even a single grammatical error or lack of fluency can damage customer perception and harm your product’s credibility. That’s why it’s crucial to work with an experienced and skilled Thai to English translator like myself, who can provide you with high-quality translations that are accurate, fluent, and culturally appropriate.

Passion for Translation

My passion for translation extends beyond commercial translations, and I have had several Thai to English literary translations published.

While I already have a Masters and BA degree, I’m now studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing) from QUT to help further polish my literary translation skills.

Look out for new translated Thai novels coming to the market soon!

Thai literary translation NAATI

Make Yourself Heard the World Over With Our NAATI-certified Translations

Especially since international border closures, the world has become a global village where people can connect remotely, to get in touch with family living abroad, immigrate to new country, or for business. The only barrier left to overcome in this digital age is that of language. I offer Thai to English NAATI-certified translations for various industries, connecting corporate entities so that they can keep the wheels of the world economy turning, fully utilising their resources based in Thailand.

Key Questions to Ask About Translation Services

NAATI translation services for government, public or personal documents involve conveying the meaning of not just words but business concepts too. When sourcing a translator, make sure to get the following information from them so that the service you receive is up to standard in getting the intended message across in your communication:


The comprehensive process of becoming NAATI-certified starts with training and proficiency tests. The next steps are competency in ethics and interculture. Ethics are necessary in this industry because we deal with sensitive information requiring confidentiality. Sometimes I can’t translate certain phrases word for word because for one word that a specific language may have, ten words are needed in another to get the same meaning across. Being native English also ensures translations are written in a way that matches standard discourse and you won't be able to tell that they were translated from Thai.


I started translating Thai to English in 2002, after studying high school in Thailand. I then further enhanced these skills with university study, both in Australia and Thailand. It equipped me with language skills necessary in the industry and cultural experience to become a leader in translation services. A NAATI-certified Thai to English translator should also have the background to appreciate cultural nuances that form part of translated texts and incorporate it into their work.

What DON't I offer?

It’s easy to assume that if I translate from one language to another that I'd be able to do so in reverse, but just because it is possible it does not mean one should do it. I offer clients a service focused on one-way translation from Thai into English. This helps to streamline operations and ensure 100% accuracy. One might never be totally sure if they are translating into a second or third language, this is why I only do Thai to English translations. For translations English into Thai, I will utilise one of many colleagues who are appropriately skilled in that direction.

What Sets DJHartmann Apart Regarding Translation Services

I have firmly established myself in the translation services industry with qualifications, company accreditation and years of experience. I have sharpened my skills and consider myself a forerunner in the space because of the following:

  • Speed. I understand that time is money to and that quick turnaround times is what keeps me in business. With nearly two decades of experience, utilising the latest technology, I can give you an indication of how long a project will take before commencing with it so that you can plan.
  • Accuracy. There is no room for error when translating official documents, where one word out of place could have serious consequences. My work goes through quality control once translated to ensure that the NAATI document translation that I deliver is in line with my reputation of translating with precision and in record time.
  • Confidentiality. I treat all NAATI certified Thai into English translation projects with discretion and adhere to strict codes of non-disclosure.

DJHartmann, NAATI Certified Translator (Thai into English)

About DJHartmann

I am qualified through the Australian National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, am an AUSIT member and have two decades of experience in translating.

I recognise that language is constantly evolving in line with technological advancements, and to remain current, I continuously work on further professional development.

For competent NAATI Thai to English Translation in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth, contact me to break language barriers at an affordable price. I accept work submitted from customers all around the globe.

Located in Brisbane, Queensland

DJHartmann is a NAATI Certified Translator, providing services backed up with nearly 2 decades of Thai language expertise, native English and credentials from leading universities The Australian National University and Mae Fah Luang University.

I can guarantee fast, accurate and reliable services on all orders. My certified translations are valid internationally.

Why am I different?

  • Certified Translations
  • Fast and Accurate Translations
  • Work with Scanned Files/Photos
  • Delivery by E-Mail and/or Post
  • All translations bear the NAATI stamp
  • 100% confidentiality

Work involved in many industries

  • Translations for Immigration/Citizenship
  • Government & Banks
  • Mining & Industry
  • Clinical Trials & EC Letters