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Whatever translation work you need, everything starts with words. We convey your words as you mean them. DJHartmann Translation hits the right note. Since 2017, DJHartmann has been the number one-ranked NAATI-Certified Translator for numerous Thais in Australia who wish to apply for citizenship, permanent or temporary residency, student visas, partner visas or need translations of other official documents.
The translation market has a very mixed supply. Many part-time translators provide their ‘services’ but cannot ensure the necessary professionalism. In general, most cannot even offer same-day delivery. That is a shame because some documents need to be returned quickly. We make an excellent first impression, we can deliver within the hour! When it comes to quality, choose a reliable translator with the necessary qualifications. That way, none of your message will be lost.
Due to our strict quality control, we can deliver your translations with the prime quality that even the most demanding customers expect, time and time again. Of course, we are happy to do the same for you.
For NAATI-Certified Translations from DJHartmann Translation Pty Ltd, you are welcome to hire our team for a wide range of documents, for example:
We use the latest techniques and tools so that the result is consistent. All our translations are thoroughly checked. Unless the translation is required to be verbatim, we write in a natural style that matches contemporary discourse. Even experts will not notice that the document they are holding was translated.
Thanks to DJHartmann’s native English, knowledge of the Thai language at an expert level and of the country’s culture, he is your best choice for an accurate but natural and fast translations. While our rate per word to translate is competitive, the quality of our translations always meets clients’ expectations. DJHartmann’s profession was born out of a passion for a beautiful country and a desire to give back. It matured through intensive training at the best schools and renowned universities, under the mentorship of some prominent teachers. Twenty years of experience are at your disposal. We love doing this work, and it shows.
Our clients commend us for our eye for detail, for treating their documents with the necessary confidentiality, flexibility, and our innovative mindset. We never keep anyone waiting. Our projects are always within your deadline. Whether you are a new client or an existing one, whether you have a two-line text or a mega job, contact us if you require any information or a price quote. We also pride ourselves on replying promptly to your queries.